The River Waveney faces many threats in and around Diss.
Sewage, pharmaceuticals, road run-off, agricultural chemicals, soils and nutrients all reduce the quality of the water.Human alterations mean the river channel has become deeper, wider and straighter, which today contributes to low oxygen levels that can endanger aquatic life.Plastics and other litter enter our rivers via stormwater drains, domestic wastewater and industrial effluent.Invasive species cause great damage to our river habitats. By competing for space, light and resources, they can overwhelm our treasured native wildlife.
But thanks to grant funding from Defra's 'Water Environment Improvement Fund' and Essex and Suffolk Water's 'Bluespaces' fund, we were delighted to be able to start improving publicly accessible riverside spaces.
Improvements have taken many forms:
Tree planting brings many benefits, including building habitat diversity, shading the river and protecting against erosion.Re-meandering (or re-wiggling) the river using flow deflectors made of natural materials. This helps to re-oxygenate the water.Community litter picks. Please get in touch if you'd like to be involved!Testing and improving water quality through land management advice and collaborating with stakeholders.
Find out where you can access the river in Diss and look out for our restoration work: